Roushan Kumar is 6.5 years old boy, born on 31st August 2011. His father’s name is Manish Kumar working as a carpenter and mother is house wife. They are staying at shiv colony, Raja bazar near mother’s academy, Patna. Their family income is approx. 6200 Rs per month. Roushan born with normal delivery at hospital, but gradually his father noticed that he is not behaving like the other children. Roushan was not able to understand the command, sit, speak and eye to eye contact. When he became 2 years old they consulted with neuropsychiatric, physician and other doctors for the treatment, they diagnosed him Mental Retardation. After one year of the treatment he doesn’t recovered then he visited at AaSTHA rehabilitation centre for the treatment.

Aastha did the proper assessment and made the plan of treatment like physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and special education etc. Now within 2 years of therapy Roushan has improved as much he can understand the command, communicate with any one, eye contact, behavioural problem and can walk with the support.

Roushan parents say thanks Aastha for the continuous treatment on free of cost. Now he is going school happily.